Why do I choose flax?

Sleep is in fashion today, first of all it is health. Secondarily, a rested person is more productive, creative and even more attractive. When we’re choosing a bed-linen, we should trust only high-quality fabrics without synthetic impurities. Natural home textiles are becoming a top priority in every modern home. In this article, we’re going to talk about flax bed-linen and name five reasons why you should pay attention to it.

Suits everyone without exception:

Flax is a great antiseptic: threads from this material are still used in surgery. Pleasant to the touch of textiles prevents the development of any kind of bacteria. That is why flax bed-linen is suitable for children from an early age, as well as people with sensitive, prone to allergic skin reactions.

In all types of weather

Linen made of flax will be an excellent option for both hot regions and temperate latitudes. Such textiles regulate heat exchange better than other natural fabrics. The material keeps the heat away: in hot weather, flax lowers the body temperature, keeping cool and fresh throughout the night. And at low temperatures, textiles can warm as well as wool. Another property of the material – flax absorbs moisture perfectly. Breathable textiles are good for air and dry very quickly, eliminating the greenhouse effect.

Strengthens the immune system

Another characteristic of flax – the material is resistant to static electricity. It lowers the radiation level several times. Flax covers electromagnetic waves and halves gamma radiation from a TV, telephone, laptop or microwave. As a result, flax has a positive effect on overall health.

Resistance to static electricity not only protects the immune system from radiation, but also helps to keep the bed-linen clean and tidy appearance – the textile fabric accumulates much less dust.